The Premier Health Insurance blog is constantly being updated with current and pressing topics, including Affordable Care Act changes, Open Enrollment dates, Medicare information, group health plan updates, as well as articles to help individuals and families get the best value for their hard-earned healthcare dollar.
Buying IL Health Insurance with Pre-Existing Conditions
Published November 1, 2012 3714 Views
There seems to be a lot of confusion these days when it comes to health insurance and pre-existing conditions. Sadly, this wave of misinformation ultimately leaves many people feeling nothing short of uninsurable. We would like to clear the air. Because, while it is true that some preexisting con...
Bad Employer-Provided Health Plan
Published October 30, 2012 2845 Views
My Company's Health Insurance is Horrible, What Can I Do? You're gainfully employed in a bad economy, making a good salary and have decent job security. There's one problem, though. One big problem; the IL health insurance plan your employer decided to go with is terrible. The last time you saw a...
Why Buy Your Own Health Insurance?
Published October 24, 2012 3127 Views
If you’re one of the millions of Americans who receive health insurance benefits from your employer, you may have noticed that your choices seem a bit limited. Yes, it is unquestionably nice to work for a company willing to offer coverage at a discounted rate. The trade-off, however, is that you h...
How Will Obamacare Really Affect You?
Published October 23, 2012 168026 Views
President Obama’s push for the Affordable Health Care Reform Act was passed by the US Supreme Court on June 28 with a ruling of 5 to 4. And while many are not big fans of this historic ruling, we are the first to acknowledge that it will have a substantial impact on the lives of millions of individ...